Thursday, October 1, 2015

Back At It!

***Disclaimer of sorts: As much as I wanted to complete a 2015 thru-hike, it turns out the task no longer seems feasible (and I'm not going to fight for it). My first section ended at The Priest Shelter, mile 823.2, on June 27th. I took 68 consecutive "zero days", and jumped back on trail in Killington, VT, mile 1700.3, on September 4th. I skipped 877.1 miles.  I have every intention of returning to the trail in future years to hike the sections I was unable to complete this season. 

Trail Update: Killington, VT to Hanover, NH

Day 91: September 4th: Another Walk in The Woods.

Shout out to my fantastically selfless parents for driving me up to Killington, VT so I could hike the northern-most section of the trail! And a huge thank-you to my father for joining me for the first 2 miles. 

Not gonna lie, I was extremely nervous about hiking on my knee. Though I had given it over 2 months of rest, I definitely could feel a soreness as I began to walk (even while slack-packing a flat section!). But I was determined to give it a shot.

Photo-cred: My Dad!

My Parents and the Pup at Thundering Falls.
(It didn't really live up to the name.)

Dad and Lincoln on a really awesome section of trail! 

Once my Dad and I made it to River Road, it was time for me to venture up Quimby Mountain alone. I said my goodbyes, strapped on my pack, and hoped for the best. Though I only had 4.4 miles to go, my trail-legs were completely gone, and my pace was pretty pitiful. I luckily made it to Stony Brook Shelter before dark, and found myself in the company of 2 section-hiking SOBOs, and a northbounder named Neon. My first day was successful, but my mind was full of anxieties throughout the night.

I shared the shelter with 2 rad SOBO section-hikers.

Building kick-ass fires helps diminish feelings of doubt.

Shelter: Stony Brook Shelter 
Miles today: 6.7
Total miles hiked: 829.9
Miles from Springer: 1707.0
Miles to Katahdin: 478.3

Day 92: September 5th: A Lonely Day of Solo Hiking. 

Despite being the last hiker awake (I was no longer on a hiker sleep schedule), I was the first out on the trail that morning. I encountered absolutely no one for a good 4 hours - greatly contributing to my growing feelings of isolation, doubt, and loneliness. At the first opportunity, I inflated my sleeping pad and attempted to take a quick little cat nap. This is where I ran into "The Machine", a flip-flopper who was at The Priest Shelter on the day I "quit". He informed me of all the NOBOs in the area, and I found out that Ryan, one of my favorites, was only a day or two ahead! 

The trail sometimes consists of ladders.

It also consists of totally spectacular footbridges! 

Halfway through the day, I came upon "The Lookout" - a privately owned cabin about .1 off trail. I spent a few hours napping in the sun, chatting with day-hikers, and moaning/groaning about how I had no desire to hike. Luckily there was no water, so I was forced to continue north.

Please take note of "Maple Leaf" climbing to the top: he is the definition of "taking ones sweet time". As of that moment, he had taken 12 days to go 24 miles. Go Maple Leaf! 

View from the top of "The Lookout" 

A few more miles and I arrived at Winturri Shelter to find it empty. The bugs were still in full swing, so I started a fire and waited for company to arrive. I was happily relieved when Neon came walking into camp! We stayed up for a few hours, talking about our post-trail life plans and getting to know one another. I'm grateful that the trail brings together individuals from all walks of life. When you are thrown in the middle of the woods with only one other person - you generally become friends. 

Shelter: Winturri Shelter 
Miles today: 9.9
Total miles hiked: 839.8
Miles from Springer: 1716.9
Miles to Katahdin: 468.4

Day 93: September 6th: Why Am I Doing This?

Despite two good days on the trail, I still wasn't feeling it. I took my sweet time that morning - doing anything I could to delay the actual act of hiking. But I had a goal for the day - and my schedule did not allow for laziness.

I slept here. Woooooooo.

Definitely not the worst privy! 

Sooooo many spider webs along this section.

This day's hike took me through cow pastures and overgrown brush. When I found myself at the road half-way through the day, I opted out of the .3 detour to the market and decided to just sit on a bench and pout for a half hour instead. I found company in a SOBO sectioner (Blaze of Glory), who comforted me with words of encouragement and a really sweaty hug. 

The 2015 thru-hikers are being really disrespectful and it's causing major drama with Baxter State Park in regards to keeping Katahdin as the northern terminus.

Despite my persisting crappy attitude, the views in my life are sweet.

Love those trees.

I basically own one outfit because I'm a hobo.

Take some time to look up!

Woah baby! Ridges on ridges on ridges...

"When in doubt, the AT always goes up!"

So I showed up at Thistle Hill Shelter to find a father-son SOBO duo. They weren't the most knowledgeable hikers, but they were kind and even went and got water for me (the source was a .3 blue blaze away). 

I felt like a privy princess...
(I also got cell service from inside - yay!)

Shelter: Thistle Hill Shelter 
Miles today: 11.6
Total miles hiked: 851.4
Miles from Springer: 1728.5
Miles to Katahdin: 456.8

Day 94: September 7th: Hanging Around Dartmouth! 

If there's one thing to know about my thru-hike, know this: I love going into town. As much as I adore the woods - I absolutely love showering, sleeping in a bed, exploring main street and eating town food. So when I woke up that morning, I vowed to hike the 15 miles into Hanover (and cross the border into NH!). 

Open fields make my whole day!

A few miles into my day, I found a bench overlooking a view - surrounded by a mini apple orchard! Super tart apples = delicious.

Free wild apples are the best apples! 

I made it to the house of "The Pancake Lady" around 10am, but she was nowhere to be found. I suppose it was for the best - I wanted to get to town anyway! 

Water from a spigot? You mean I don't need to filter it? Yesssssssssssss 

AT hikers, keeping it classy.
Most hikers have given up on underwear at this point... but we usually don't just leave them on the trail! 

Happy Hill Shelter was pretty adorable.

And look - a brand new privy!

Instructions and reminders! 

I don't think I ever needed a shower as much as I did as I walked towards Hanover. As soon as I reached the road (in Norwich, VT), I began calling numbers on the "trail angel" list in a vain attempt to find a place to stay for the night. Unfortunately, it was labor day and no one was available. I had almost given up - but I made one more phone call and found myself a shower! 

I walked to the bridge between VT/NH and waited for Sally to come get me. When I hopped in her car, the first thing she did was roll down the window and declare: "Wow, you really do need a shower!". After picking up fellow hiker Honey Bee, she took us to her condo where we were able to properly bathe ourselves and become functioning members of society once more. 

Afterwards, Sally dropped Honey Bee and I back in Hanover, where we found our way to "Dave's" house. Dave is a huge hoarder, but allows hikers to camp in his backyard - this is where I surprised Ryan, who didn't know I was back on trail, and found Baltimore Jack hanging around. 

We explored Hanover for the evening, ate deliciois town food, and blissfully went to sleep.

Shelter: Camping behind Dave's House (Hanover, NH)
Miles today: 14.7
Total miles hiked: 866.1
Miles from Springer: 1743.2
Miles to Katahdin: 442.1

Day 95: September 8th: The Church, The Student Center, The Bar...

Honey Bee and I had planned on slack-packing, but after waiting around until 11:30, it had gotten too late. Instead we sat around with Baltimore Jack, talking about the trail and it's changing culture over the years.

Baltimore Jack in his prime.

Honey Bee and I started walking towards town - soon enough, I ran into Secret Squirrel and Big Deal! We spent the day eating free pizza, hanging out in the library, dealing with the post office, and taking showers in the basement of the Norwich Church (and playing foosball in their awesome rec-room!).

Exploring the area by the bridge! 

Finally got my picture at the border! 

I wasn't feeling very well all day, so I spent the majority of the evening reading a book (Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter) in the student center. When they kicked me out at 11pm, I decided to head to the pub to meet up with the group - as well as Rain-man and Bistro (who had hopped up from NY!). I hadn't seen Rain-man since The Captains (way down south) and I was excited to see a familiar, friendly face. Though it was karaoke night, and the locals were all very interested in our journey, I still wasn't feeling my best. Plus a few acquaintances had drank way too much - and once the tears started flowing, it was time to head back to our tents...

Shelter: Camping behind Dave's House (Hanover, NH)
Miles today: 0.0
Total miles hiked: 866.1
Miles from Springer: 1743.2
Miles to Katahdin: 442.1

Day 96: September 9th: A Half-Assed Slackpack

I woke up knowing it was time to get back on trail - at least for a few hours. Though I tried to convince my fellow hikers to join me, I was met with little interest. Fortunately, I've gotten comfortable hiking alone, so I decided to slack-pack solo. Dave and Baltimore Jack dropped me off north of Moose Mountain, where I would then hike south. Due to poor planning, I ran out of water fairly quickly - and the water source at Moose Mt. Shelter was completely dried up. 

Sometimes I like to think "what if mountain ranges weren't always blue - what if they looked pink, or yellow, or red..." I also like to imagine what it would look like if leaves were purple.

2,222 feet!

By the time I made it 8 miles, I had had enough. I was dehydrated, over-heated, overcome by a headache, and over it. So I walked to the nearest road, stuck out my thumb, and found myself a ride. The guy who picked me up was on his way to a potential clients house (he sells solar panels!), but went out of his way to drive me back into Hanover. (This resulted in me skipping 5.8 miles that I will need to eventually make up.)

There was absolutely no way I was going to sleep in my tent that night. No matter what the cost was, I was getting a hotel room. I took the free town bus (which was awesome) to the Sunset Motor Lodge, and sprawled out on the huge bed. 

Sunshine, Breeze, and Ambush then came and joined me! After being reprimanded by the motel owner (I only booked a room for 1), we had a joyous reunion full of laughter and trail-gossip. Yay for friends! 

Shelter: Sunset Motor Lodge (Hanover, NH)
Miles today: 8.1
Total miles hiked: 874.2
Miles from Springer: 1757.1
Miles to Katahdin: 428.2

Day 97: September 10th: I Love College. 

After walking around town collecting our share of free food (Hanover is pretty hiker friendly!), we spent a large portion of the day at the student center. Twister and Rhino had befriended the president of a fraternity the night before, and found themselves sleeping in the frathouse. Luckily for us, they said we could all join them for a second night! 

Sunshine and I waiting for the bus back to town!

The group all went out for Pad Thai - it was not my thing. Maybe I'll give Thai food another shot...


While in Hanover, Dartmouth was hosting it's freshman welcome week - can't say I wasn't jealous! After hanging out and watching some football with the students, we made our way to the (coed!) frathouse - where we made ourselves right at home in their windowless movie room. So many movies! 
Phi Tau - thank you!

I never wanted to leave...

The movie room - covered in pillows and blankets.

Shelter: Phi Tau's Frathouse Movie Room 
Miles today: 0.0
Total miles hiked: 874.2 
Miles from Springer: 1757.1
Miles to Katahdin: 428.2

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